Looking for a simple end of the year project? Why not do a food drive. We all know that at the end of the semester, when we are all getting ready to leave campus we end up with a bunch of left over food. Well instead of students just throwing it out or having to cart it all home.... Collect if and donate it to a local food bank or shelter!
8 steps to holding an end-of-the-year food drive through STUFH
1. Obtain approval from your college or university to hold a food drive at the end of the semester.
2. Set up the time and date for the food bins to be brought by the food bank to the food drop-off point on your campus. Bins are usually placed in each dormitory. If this is not possible or your college is a commuter school, several other high traffic student areas may be used instead.
3. Publicize! Obtain flyers, posters, or any other informative material that will let the departing students know of your efforts to help feed the hungry in your local community.
4. Mark the food bins with information on what foodstuffs are acceptable for donation (i.e. nonperishable, unopened food items).
6. Set up the time and place for you local food bank to pick up the bins at the end of the food drive.
7. Obtain final results of the poundage of food items collected through your drive. Send these results, along with a thank you letter, to the college authorities who authorized your food drive.
8. If you need help locating your local food bank and the local food bank official who can act as a liaison to your club, contact Program Director Dan Kahn by email at dkahn@stufh.org.